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RE: Sick OG twitter

Sick twitter.

Vouch for @boo5t , legit as they come!

RE: Sick OG twitter

Vouch for boo5t. I know for a fact he's got this lol.
Such a sick twitter, should sell fast.
RE: Sick OG twitter

Holy shit this twitter is so sick man. Has it ever been on the market before now?
RE: Sick OG twitter

Mac said:
Holy shit this twitter is so sick man. Has it ever been on the market before now?

Yeah, it was on the market for like 30 min lol. 1 trusted owner before me and it was swapped onto a fresh account.
RE: Sick OG twitter

Ah I see man. Good luck selling this AMAZING twitter. ;)
RE: Sick OG twitter

Use a mm for this an amazing twitter you dont wanna loose
RE: Sick OG twitter

I have $200 Paypal ready to send if you can deal this right now. PM me please!
RE: Sick OG twitter

boo5t said:
Sorry, I wouldn't take PP from you. If you get the other payment methods listed in the OP, hmu!

I understand your reasoning but please understand that I was negged by someone + his buddy after calling him out for scamming me.

I doubt I would be able to attain funds in a different payment method in the near future so I'd appreciate if you'd be willing to reconsider. If not, like I said, it's totally understandable. Thanks for reading! : )
RE: Sick OG twitter

Just wondering.. Wasn't this jacked off the band disturb? Or somethig idk I'm prolly wrong
RE: Sick OG twitter

I'll place a bid of 100 if that helps with anything
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