I realize that this forum is more or less based on it's marketplace and botting section, but honestly I'd like to see some more in-depth runescape discussion going on.
I counted all the forums and subforums on the site. Surprisingly, 52 forums/subforums are unrelated to runescape, and 6 are actually related to runescape (not including the marketplace forums). This means that about 11% of the site is about runescape.
I propose that you do a little extra work on the runescape section. In this suggestion I'll propose a few examples to get my point across, but the actual figures/names/work is up to you.
Now. Currently, the runescape section looks like so:
>RuneScape General Discussion
>Show-Off / Achievements
>RuneScape Guides & Tutorials
>RuneScape Botting Discussion
>RuneScape Private Servers
I personally think Show-Off / Achievements could become a sub forum of Runescape General Discussion, which would allow you more room for other things, but I'm not going to suggest that.
I propose that a Runescape tab is added. Preferably after the "General Tab" and before the Gaming tab, like so:
This would allow you to have significantly better organization. Rather than having one category named "Runescape", you could have a Tab named "Runescape" and categories named "General Discussion", "Botting Discussion", "Guides and Tutorials", "Money Making", etc. (Notice that I said Money Making. That seems like something that we're lacking. It wouldn't necessarily have to be a category, but it still might be useful).
With that being said, I propose a layout that looks SIMILAR to this:
>Runescape General Discussion
>>General Discussion
>>Runescape Guides and Tutorials
>>Player Killing (PKing)
>>Show Off / Achievements
>Runescape Botting Discussion
>>General Discussion
>>Script Releases
>Runescape Money Making
>>General Discussion //For discussing best money making skills and other miscellaneous monetizing practices.
>>Item Discussion // Discuss items and thoughts on if their price will go up, down, or if they're worth their money. Alternatively named "Investment Discussion".
>>Monetizing Ideas // Discussing ideas and having other members help decide if it's good or not. Alternatively named "Monetizing Tutorials".
>RuneScape Private Servers
>>General Discussion //Discuss whether or not it's beneficial to make a server, or legal issues, etc. Also discuss other servers and which server to make your home.
>>Development // Coding/Creating/Portforwarding/Customizing/Etc
>>Advertisement // Allowed to advertise your server with one thread.
Again, the exact format doesn't have to be used, but I really think we should utilize the power of having a tabbed forum. The other popular runescape forums don't have tabs, and people will notice the organization and forums here. They aren't so in depth that every single skill has it's own forum and every thing is messy, but it's in depth enough so that you can find what you need. Forums like zybez, sythe, runehq, tip.it, official runescape forums, etc, all lack tabbing, so their forums can appear messy and very hard to navigate.
I really urge you to use the tabs and create a set up similar to what I suggested. I feel like having only 11% of a runescape forum pertained to runescape isn't the best we can do.