someone please claim these hotmails


Well-Known Member
They always pop up smh

I got measure, thanks for the hotmails, email god.
Seeking looks cool, too bad I hitted daily limit, there is also an Instagram linked to it, so whoever get that lol
The site is under maintance so it won't let me claim them.
Somebody took em all or you guys lol.
I took released. Thank you btw man
@ThenotoriousBIG sorry bro lol thanks for the email giveaway will you be doing more soon
Vouch said:
@ThenotoriousBIG sorry bro lol thanks for the email giveaway will you be doing more soon

I do them all the time, especially on the weekend since I am L-a-z-y and do nothing lol
@TheNotoriousBIG oh alrght then thanks anyway can't wait for the next one.
@Patch you got any good emails? i'm really only looking for good emails to see what I can pull back and get tbh.
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