

OK to anyone who was on and reading my post about Power Leveling. I am sorry that i got so mad. I can understand why you would not believe me. As well in my defense i was trying to be honest and actually do this. I did try adding Gogeta on Skype so his comment of I didn't try was a lie. I will say that straight out with any Consequences taken. I am asking that this whole scenario be water under the bridge though. I have had an account on here for along time. while i have not been active on this site. I am looking forward to start being as active as i can. So to anyone that was offended the other day i apologize. Please forgive me. But please understand i was being called dishonest and i was trying to be Completely Honest about the Post.

Thank you

Your signature makes me cringe.
99% sure he is a child.
Child or not, at least he's trying.
Listen I understand the two of you...for some Hate filled reason have something against me. I can Gladly say though that i am 18 turning 19 and very proud of myself and where i am going in my life. i may be the child to you. To me though you are the child i tried apologizing and making things right. all you can do is what?? sit here and make rude remarks??? So think of me as the child That is okay. At least i am taking responsibility for being possibly offensive. As well as being a grown up and letting this drop right here right now.
Altair said:
Listen I understand the two of you...for some Hate filled reason have something against me. I can Gladly say though that i am 18 turning 19 and very proud of myself and where i am going in my life. i may be the child to you. To me though you are the child i tried apologizing and making things right. all you can do is what?? sit here and make rude remarks??? So think of me as the child That is okay. At least i am taking responsibility for being possibly offensive. As well as being a grown up and letting this drop right here right now.
Why do you make everything so dramatic?
I'm not making this dramatic i am simply stating the facts about how you are acting. Insecure,Immature and Feeling insignificant like a child would

But hey if harassment is you're thing that's fine. I know you have to feel better somehow :)
lol. this guy.

i have nothing constructive to add to anything you have to say, nor do you have anything constructive to say about anything.

and thus, i shall now ignore you :)

guys, please, if there's conflict, just set it right or don't talk, try not fight thanks
well i'll be.

damn you and your investimigating.

he's still pretty annoying though..
Oh dear, it's the self-proclaimed cool kids from underground, come to troll an attempted apology.