

OK to anyone who was on and reading my post about Power Leveling. I am sorry that i got so mad. I can understand why you would not believe me. As well in my defense i was trying to be honest and actually do this. I did try adding Gogeta on Skype so his comment of I didn't try was a lie. I will say that straight out with any Consequences taken. I am asking that this whole scenario be water under the bridge though. I have had an account on here for along time. while i have not been active on this site. I am looking forward to start being as active as i can. So to anyone that was offended the other day i apologize. Please forgive me. But please understand i was being called dishonest and i was trying to be Completely Honest about the Post.

Thank you

99% sure he is a child.
Child or not, at least he's trying.
Listen I understand the two of you...for some Hate filled reason have something against me. I can Gladly say though that i am 18 turning 19 and very proud of myself and where i am going in my life. i may be the child to you. To me though you are the child i tried apologizing and making things right. all you can do is what?? sit here and make rude remarks??? So think of me as the child That is okay. At least i am taking responsibility for being possibly offensive. As well as being a grown up and letting this drop right here right now.
Why do you make everything so dramatic?
I'm not making this dramatic i am simply stating the facts about how you are acting. Insecure,Immature and Feeling insignificant like a child would

But hey if harassment is you're thing that's fine. I know you have to feel better somehow
lol. this guy.

i have nothing constructive to add to anything you have to say, nor do you have anything constructive to say about anything.

and thus, i shall now ignore you

guys, please, if there's conflict, just set it right or don't talk, try not fight thanks
well i'll be.

damn you and your investimigating.

he's still pretty annoying though..
Oh dear, it's the self-proclaimed cool kids from underground, come to troll an attempted apology.
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