
I'm sure some of you know the server called Soulsplit, if not you can find it at
It's pretty good at pking and hybriding, I was wondering if anyone wanted to play with me and pk :3 For all you noobs out there, when you start you can choose from either "Easy mode", "Medium mode" "Hard mode", "Diehard Mode" and "Legendary Mode" I'm not exactly sure what all these things do but easy mode gives you 5k xp per hit, diehard mode gives you 500xp per hit and legend gives you 50 xp per hit. All I know is that legend mode comes with some nice little perks like you're prayer depletes super slow (it used to be that it doesn't deplete at all and I think the owner mentioned he was changing back to that) and your special restores a lot quicker than normally and you have a better chance of getting decent drops on the 2nd world (PvP World) There is 4 worlds, The first one is default and is the normal world, 2nd one is PvP, 3rd one if 2007 style pking where you can only wear oldschool items, and the 4th world is for members who donated for membership.
Post here if you wanna play :3 I know this is a sloppy thread but I can't be fucked to make it look nice.
EDIT: Also has summoning, dungeoneering, stable economy, good combat/pking
It's pretty fun My KDR is like 6-20 something


Onyx user!
Oh nice, I was ironically looking at the source release for this the other day, it's very advanced for a private server; nice to see it still going strong
Hehe yeah 4 worlds and each of them have at least 200 players+
Let me know if you end up staying so we can play, add me I got 2 accounts one maxed 60 att pure named Methodical and the other is my Legend pure named Eckz
LOL did you seriously go and reply on every server under the runescape private server section?