Hello, so i finally made my first forums website and everything's going fine. just one thing. Bots. I am literally getting about 20-70 bots on my website every day unless I disable registrations. And it gets pretty frustrating having to delete all these accounts and spam posts. I simply just want a solution to this madness. And they're spamming Viagra advertisements which isn't pleasant. I have Installed a few plug-ins to block bots however they're useless. Bots somehow bypass nearly every type of verification. They even bypassed admin activation! How is that possible? Anyways, forums such as FK and HF never get bots. Well, at least from what I've seen they don't. And I just want to know what to do with my forums so I won't get any bots as well. Any help is appreciated. I also use a free host in case that matters. Feel free to recommend anything too. Thank you FK.