Seeing as staff would probably move this from General I thought I'd save them a job.
SpamSquad is officially over. The team and I have come to a small discussion about this, and we have decided that it is time to end the reign of spam and to move on to something more higher quality based.
So, I'm sorry to those that were a part of the squad when me and @Random owned it but when we moved it over to my team of people, only a few stayed the same.
Leaders, you are all very kind and I hope you decide to continue something like this in the future, SpamSquad will always be shown as a team of people that made a lot of posts that are random and spammy. This will hopefully lower some warnings for the staff as well.
This isn't in the S&T section for any special reason like I'm trolling anyone this is a legit farewell to the group.
So, from 2013-2015 R.I.P. SpamSquad.
Founder: @Random
Leader: @Pandas
Co leader: @Kowai
Co leader: @Swish
SpamSquad, you shall be missed.