Starter money :)?


Onyx user!
Would somebody like to Give me some starter money :)? my Main got hacked Costing me about 300m, Lost a santa and Ags and Lots of other junk...

My pking hasnt been sucessfull as i recently walked into wildi ready to pk Without noticing i had my 16m gp in my invent On my pure and i died.

So i basically have nothing.. just my pure and its not even members :S the stats are

Att : 20
Str : 56
Def : 1
Range : 45
Mage : 45
WC : 99

I would bot Wc but my Laptop fucked up and i dont know how to fix it, So i cant bot and i dont have money to buy RSGP or a VPS or for somebody to bot for me...

IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE who can give me starter money :)? Mills are appreciated and i will be forever gratefull... i Can atempt to pay you back but i cant promise you anything, It will be a donation.

Thanks if somebody helps, Please PM me, Post here or add my msn - [email protected]