STaRtiNg 8.9.13 tYpE liKe diS DaY


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StArTiNg on 8.9.13 aLL oF FK wiLL bE FoRceD 2 sTaRt TyPinG LiKe ThiS aCCorDinG 2 FiLLy, coNfiRmEd oVeR aiM cHaT.

iT's cUrrEnTlY 8.8.13 bUt iM StArTinG eaRly.


ThIs WiLL bE a PaiN iN Da AsSS

iDk whY tHIS iS sO geY bUT Im DoInG iT.
ThAnKs 4 dA MeMo MaN, I wOuLdVe bEeN lEfT Out iF iT WeReNt 4 YoU. :)
Trojan said:
CaUsE FiLLy SeD sO aNd WhAtEvEr FiLLy sAyS, GoEs.

i JUST OrDEReD a FILLy ChEasE STAKe samIch aNd iT wAS DElISh.
ThiS mUsT bE oFFiCiAL iF FiLLy sEd iT wAs, VouCh.
wUt iS Th3 p0inT oF d1s l1ek h0w r U tYeP1nG dIfFr1nT Th3n n0rmL?
Yeah... um... I .. ugh I, I just can't...
I'll be talking like this for a while .