I'm thinking about starting a botting service, I currently have iDungeon Pro and MasterRockCrabs on powerbot, I'm also a VIP. Also, if you need some kind of botting done and I don't have the script, I'll buy it If this sounds like a good idea let me know, I'm still not sure if I'll be charging daily or by levels/xp
Bots won't stay down, By the way I have a question.. I'm not much of a programmer but I read somewhere that JaGeX was thinking about switching from Java coding to HTML coding.. I don't really know what this will do to all the bots coded in java
Bots won't stay down, By the way I have a question.. I'm not much of a programmer but I read somewhere that JaGeX was thinking about switching from Java coding to HTML coding.. I don't really know what this will do to all the bots coded in java