Still Selling " Remissible " great CoD acc.!


User is banned.
Selling OG tag: " Remissible " Will take RSGP!
Black ops 14th
5.40 Wl ratio
2.61 Kd ratio

10th Cod4
11th WaW
Gold to the end of November

Proof: sorry about the image quality had to use webcam =p

RE: Selling OG: " Remissible " Gr8 Blops stats!

how much live?????????????//
RE: Selling OG: " Remissible " Gr8 Blops stats!

till the end of the month
RE: Selling OG: " Remissible " Gr8 Blops stats!

Interested! How much live is on it buddy?
RE: Selling OG: " Remissible " Gr8 Blops stats!

Have you got ride of this yet.
RE: Selling OG: " Remissible " Gr8 Blops stats!

I shall bid $15 on this tag if possible
RE: Selling OG: " Remissible " Gr8 Blops stats!

Phobia said:
I shall bid $15 on this tag if possible

To be honest that's an insult if u ask me. Im really look for $55-65.
RE: Selling OG: " Remissible " Gr8 Blops stats!

ill buy right now for 60$.

Get on aim
RE: Selling OG: " Remissible " Gr8 Blops stats!

Oh then I am sorry
You seem to have a buyer though
RE: Selling OG: " Remissible " Gr8 Blops stats!

Nvm, im gettinng my Semi tag - Racks

tomarrow. Has stats

sorry for wasting your time bruh.

jsut got done talking to Ms
RE: Selling OG: " Remissible " Gr8 Blops stats!

creating an aim atm gimme a min

Still up for sale. Looking for a legit buyer.
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