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Straight Edge


Power member.
I feel like this a good Debate. Well sorta. Here is the Thing. I am straight edge. and i have no problem with people who drink or do drugs(Most of my friends do them). But other Straight Edge kids always start shit with kids who aren't Anyone else notice that? They are more hateful towards people who aren't Edge.
Why is this? I have never met a person who smokes pot or does drugs that hate Edge kids. Edge kids are so hateful and they seem to be pure but really they are extremely Judgmental and full of hate. Any thoughts on this?


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I used to be all about weed and drinking and that stuff

Lately (8 months) I have refrains from doing those things, and honestly I feel alot healthier now that I stopped

I still smoke cigs, but in trying to quit since I'm enlisting in the Army in a few months

That's why I quit^ and honestly I'm glad that I did. I felt like the partying and shit was dumbing me down, and I'm a smart dude so I would like for that not to happen

I agree though, it's kids who never experienced that stuff that are always starting shit with people who smoke and drink

It was a fun ass time while it lasted, but I couldn't imagine living and operating daily life while being high and drunk alot.

My point is, don't knock it until you try it ( that saying only applies towards weed and drinks, since many other drugs are addicting, life ruining, and illegal)


Power member.

I never smoked but i used to drink. Not to get drunk. But occasionally, But i would never talk shit just because they do. If that's what they want to do then let them


Power member.
Cannibаl said:
Straight edge people are typically known for being militant, but I think most straight edge people nowadays are actually peaceful.

I think the older straight edge people are peaceful. Its the new and younger edge kids who are hateful


Power member.
Cannibаl said:
I believe it's quite the contrary.

Really? I know so many Edge people(20-30) and they are so friendly. But like the 16-19 year olds are like yo fuck you


Power member.
Brett said:
Really? I know so many Edge people(20-30) and they are so friendly. But like the 16-19 year olds are like yo fuck you

I believe when straight edge was highly popular a couple decades ago, there was many more militant members. I also think that the older straight edge members that were straight edge militant back then are more peaceful now, too. There's less straight edge members nowadays due to less influence of it, and they seem to be more peaceful to me.


Power member.
im "straight edge" just personally never really thought about trying that crap.. i just think about my brothers sad life..


Active Member
dont smoke or drink just chew sometimes.... am i straight edge?


Power member.
G 6 said:
dont smoke or drink just chew sometimes.... am i straight edge?

Sadly no. Tobacco would be considered breaking edge