I used to be all about weed and drinking and that stuff
Lately (8 months) I have refrains from doing those things, and honestly I feel alot healthier now that I stopped
I still smoke cigs, but in trying to quit since I'm enlisting in the Army in a few months
That's why I quit^ and honestly I'm glad that I did. I felt like the partying and shit was dumbing me down, and I'm a smart dude so I would like for that not to happen
I agree though, it's kids who never experienced that stuff that are always starting shit with people who smoke and drink
It was a fun ass time while it lasted, but I couldn't imagine living and operating daily life while being high and drunk alot.
My point is, don't knock it until you try it ( that saying only applies towards weed and drinks, since many other drugs are addicting, life ruining, and illegal)