Strep Throat


Well-Known Member
Well I have a 102.00 Fever and was diagnosed with strep throat on Friday. Has anyone experienced this before ? I could use some tips on how to ease the sore throat pain etc. I've been on anti-biotics since Friday as well, but I see no signs of getting better.

Thoughts suggestions would be great.
Give the antibiotics a few more days and you should get better. I assume you went to a doctor to get antibiotics so if you wait a few days and they still aren't working, get him/her to prescribe another one. Hope I helped

EDIT: You could also go to the emergency room if you need to.
I used to get strep throat really bad and really often. Lol. It really sucks. I would just always sleep as much as possible and take as much medicine as I could lol. If you're sleeping you can't feel it. . and bed rest really helps, me at least, so be lazy af. Lol

yeah I can't sleep like at all I have no idea why. I've been in bed all weekend doing nothing lol so hopefully this shit goes away.
Normally when I can't sleep and i'm ill i take 5 ibuprofen and punch myself in the fact a couple of times next thing i know im awake and feel fresh as fuck.

not a troll btw, im weird like that lol
Glass of water put salt in it microwave it for like 20 seconds and then gargle.
I had strep throat a couple of years back. It really sucked and I had to get a shot on my ass. It was the most painful shot I've ever felt. I guess just get some rest man.
I have had it many times . The best healing method for me was sleep .
I used to get step through all the time then i got my tonsils taken out. Tips: Get warm water and poor salt into it then gargle it for 10-20 seconds. Its nasty but your throat will stop hurting for a while.
#TJ said:
I used to get step through all the time then i got my tonsils taken out. Tips: Get warm water and poor salt into it then gargle it for 10-20 seconds. Its nasty but your throat will stop hurting for a while.

See I've been doing that but its sore deeper in my throat so when I gargle I feel like its not reaching the spots that hurt.
Fear said:
See I've been doing that but its sore deeper in my throat so when I gargle I feel like its not reaching the spots that hurt.

I see you have been deep throating cock meat sandwiches, right?

Try swallowing a whole cup of salt water, or a few cups.
Trojan said:
I see you have been deep throating cock meat sandwiches, right?

Try swallowing a whole cup of salt water, or a few cups.

Trojan remember when I made you shit your pants on aim when iIwas on ? I'll never forget that scared ass.

Yeah I'll try just drinking some salt water lol
I actually just got over this exactly. There is this tea called throat coat, and its made by traditional medicinals. It helps instantly, a caught drop helps a tiny bit as well. Gargling with salt water is the best you can do though as it really shortens the time of the sore throat. After you start anti biotics it only takes about 3 days to be completely 100% again. the trick is to keep taking them though.
Fear said:
Trojan remember when I made you shit your pants on aim when iIwas on ? I'll never forget that scared ass.

Yeah I'll try just drinking some salt water lol

I was there on TV, Trojan was acting like the pussy he really is!
My throat is starting to hurt, hopefully I don't get strep. I just had the flu a couple of months ago, I sure hope I'm not getting sick again.
Well I've been sick since Friday not getting better at all both eyes are pitch red now and throat still hurts. Today I'm going back to the doctor so this officially sucks ass.