Upon gaining my position of Angels Group Leader, I believe there should be a way to verify who is a group leader and who is not. I propose that there are new tags made for the leaders of each group. The angels will say 'Angels Leader' or, something along those lines. The same goes for exalted.
Should that be too much trouble, there could also be one group. It could have a tag that reads 'Group Leader', that way users know we are actual group leaders, and not posers. That way, should users have questions/comments/concerns they can send it to the appropriate group leader, without too much hassle.
Upon gaining my position of Angels Group Leader, I believe there should be a way to verify who is a group leader and who is not. I propose that there are new tags made for the leaders of each group. The angels will say 'Angels Leader' or, something along those lines. The same goes for exalted.
Should that be too much trouble, there could also be one group. It could have a tag that reads 'Group Leader', that way users know we are actual group leaders, and not posers. That way, should users have questions/comments/concerns they can send it to the appropriate group leader, without too much hassle.