rebel said:
#1 If you like to speak about runescape then click the runescape tab.
#2 The Holocaust topic your discussing is in the wrong section and it is that person's opinion on how he feels, everyone feels differently about it. Whether you like it or not.
#3 There is a report button at the bottom of posts. Its at the bottom right of each post.
Hopefully this has cleared everything up.
1. I do click the Runescape tab regularly and post HQ posts and threads, and I assist people regularly.
2. There is a difference between stating your opinion and stating your hateful, lack of respect, careless, opinion.
I have no problem with people saying something about the Holocaust in a respectful manner. However, if people are going to do it than they should not say "Gas Chambers FTW". It is kind of shocking how you wouldnt agree with me on this point, it is quite disturbing to see that some people do not have basic respect for human life.
His feelings can be portrayed as, "I understand the Jewish people for having lost 6 million members of their religion, however, I still dont like them"
Rather than "Gas Chambers FTW" There is an obvious difference, and I think you can point it out.
3. There is a report button, yes, I never said there wasnt one, I simply said I wanted to add another option (tab) with the selection of "Hate/Racism" or something along those lines.
I hope THAT cleared everything up.