I think that once Staff members and Moderatorsmake it to the staff position they should not be able to enter Contests & Giveaways.
I feel that Staff members and Moderators that enter themselves into Giveaways & Contests tend to be picked "randomly". The people in charge of the event does usually post proof of that number being picked but they could easily do it until the number they want comes up. I myself only know a select few of members that would complete the Giveaway and/or Contest Fairly. And Philly already doesn't enter Contests and/or Giveaways for this specific reason. And it's a small sacrifice for being a Staff member or Moderator.
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I feel that Staff members and Moderators that enter themselves into Giveaways & Contests tend to be picked "randomly". The people in charge of the event does usually post proof of that number being picked but they could easily do it until the number they want comes up. I myself only know a select few of members that would complete the Giveaway and/or Contest Fairly. And Philly already doesn't enter Contests and/or Giveaways for this specific reason. And it's a small sacrifice for being a Staff member or Moderator.
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