sum dank twitterz


Well-Known Member
Pm me or post here for my list, I've got a few that I want to get rid of, ones a small stat.

Paypal Only you goons.
PM me the list, bro. May be interested in buying if I like one enough.
Shoot me a PM, I want to see them. Especially the stat.
Could you pm me the list? I may be interested in the stat or a OG if they're in the ballpark of how much I'll offer.
so many people I have to pm, I'll get right to it.
Could PM me please, I need s Twitter and I have money.
just saying the title may be misleading, but yolo it still got a lot of attention. pm'd most of you
PM me the list, if I PM you back means I'm interested. :)
hit me up lads still selling all of these