[SUPORRT]tell me a ebook you want and i will get you it:)

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Hello tell me a ebook you want and i will get you it for free

Post here saying what ebook you want, and pm me.
RE: tell me a ebook you want and i will get you it

Maby it should be "Support" instead of "Ebook". But a cool support you are giving. (;
RE: tell me a ebook you want and i will get you it

yes sorry i will change that now i have bin asking a lot of people have bin helping me so i'm going to help the forum
RE: tell me a ebook you want and i will get you it

buddyboy said:
yes sorry i will change that now i have bin asking a lot of people have bin helping me so i'm going to help the forum

Thats awesome, just keep it up.
I would like any e-book to do with earning money on FileIce or Sharecash.
Are you going to upload the eBook on fileice and give that link to the user who has requested a specific eBook?
Please aren't here for google eBooks to be downloaded on FileIce they can just get them from google itself.
Please don't post FileIce links unless its a paid guide or something along those lines.
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