Support me against soaking!!


Onyx user!
Hey all!
Jagex just released an update which will make us soak up damage and give us def exp is some1 hits a 200+ on us. This is absoloutely shit for pures! So join me and support this thread on the RS forums!

Quickfind code- 241-242-617-62013291

i guess pures are completely useless now.

+ The soaking makes the hits lag..
Will support, this shit is just stupid, now I'll be gaining def XP from using attack or strength...

Fuck Fagex..
I Read the whole update. i haven't seen anything about gaining defence exp. so i don't know if its true or not.
Justin said:
I Read the whole update. i haven't seen anything about gaining defence exp. so i don't know if its true or not.

Im sure it said it in the news update about soaking before this 1.
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