Supra's GT shop

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Power member.
Don't need these accounts so ima sell them.
I know their not OG, so don't hate.
Not looking for any high prices since these aren't OG.
Yes, these are all words, you can search them up if you feel the need to,
I consider all of them semi's except for Exacutant

GT - Shoresides
Buyout - 10

GT: Busked
Buyout - 5

GT: Waiving
Buyout - 5

GT - Expediate
Buyout - 10

GT - Exacutant (Spelt wrong) (Executant)
Buyout - 5

GT - Wste (Waste)
Buyout - 5

RE: Selling some tags

Matinee for 10$ right now? HMU
RE: Selling some tags

Nice GTs good luck selling them!
RE: Selling some tags

Nice tags man, good luck witht he sales
RE: Selling some tags

still trying to sell these tags
RE: Selling some tags

5 for wste? let me know man
RE: Selling some tags

Updated with the buyout prices
Gonna bump this thread, still selling HMU

Bumpin this thread again, need these tags gone ASAP
Still selling these tags, need them gone ASAP, hit me up
Still selling these tags, need them gone asap. Hit me up
Vouch for this user bought a tag from him
Bumping this thread yet again... Still selling hit me up
Looks like im bumping again. Still need these sold
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