sus niggas

Brennan said:
no. i was never in the raheem gang. only fanboy.
wow with you being in heartless I would have guessed you were in raheemgang haha.
Random said:
wow with you being in heartless I would have guessed you were in raheemgang haha.
"Raheemgang" was never a thing, we had one friend who ran the Twitter Raheem and then all these new fags fucked it up and Kingsley scammed Bryan for the Twitter
kyle said:
"Raheemgang" was never a thing, we had one friend who ran the Twitter Raheem and then all these new fags fucked it up and Kingsley scammed Bryan for the Twitter

raheemgang is what I call all the kids who went around referencing raheem and wore those abysmal avatars for about a month and a half.

Like @Nevermind was. That's raheemgang. I understand who raheem was.
kyle said:
"Raheemgang" was never a thing, we had one friend who ran the Twitter Raheem and then all these new fags fucked it up and Kingsley scammed Bryan for the Twitter

idk what i was supposed to do with that twitter, i didn't even know what raheem was, i wish i had never traded away my alias
id like to add all staff members and everyone who negged me to the list
I am confused as of what this is, but @gor belongs in this list because he scammed me...of my heart.
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