Swap GT to Main


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What is the safest method to switch a recently purchased tag to your main?
Now that you've mentioned swapping the tag people that know it will turbo it. Plus if it is on the market its being turbo'd as we speak
Statistics said:
Can't I turbo the tag myself?........​
not to your main, only to a fresh silver. but still you can get out turbod. no point really. Just wait a long time until you swap.
isnt it sad that you have to wait so long just to get the sweaty nerds off of your tag
As long as you didn't buy the tag over at HF or on FK. Then you should be find. However if you have, the previous owner might be trying to turbo the tag. Good luck. Just don't risk switching too soon
I wouldn't swap for about a year. Other than that just play on it until you get bored of the name.
I'd take the others advice and not swap but I have successfully swapped one tag and its still my main. I own much better tags now but I daren't swap lol But basically I waited 3+ months and swapped in the early hours of the morning with an IRL friend who isn't into OGs lol