
User is banned.
I'm selling all these cheap as shit.​
Insta: @D*nying​
Insta: @Hyst*ria​
Payments accepted: PayPal & AGC​
Offer below​
Kik: LoneFK​
Deal onsite only​
Sorry but, what is the Twitter @?

EDIT: nvm OP I'm an idiot.
I was considering buying your $10 that you pm'd me. After this post my mind has changed completely. No thanks m8.
Wakeboard said:
I was considering buying your $10 that you pm'd me. After this post my mind has changed completely. No thanks m8.
What does that even mean? I'm confused. You never responded.
Wakeboard said:
You scammed the first twitter out of me.
I actually got this in a deal, you are more than welcome to ask @agony, he middlemanned.
Lone said:
I actually got this in a deal, you are more than welcome to ask @agony. He middlemanned.

who did you get this from, how do i ask 'agony' if it doesn't even exsist?
Wakeboard said:
who did you get this from, how do i ask 'agony' if it doesn't even exsist?

He is currently taking a break it says on his profile, I'm sure @Zeus can vouch him.
Lone said:
He is currently taking a break it says on his profile, I'm sure @Zeus can vouch him.
not sure what yall are talking about
Zeus said:
not sure what yall are talking about
Vouch @Agony as legit. @Agony has middleman me and you probably have his contact to vouch that.
Lone said:
Vouch @Agony as legit. @Agony has middleman me and you probably have his contact to vouch that.

my nigga I mm'd that last deal with you and a kid. Not sure if agony did as well, but agony is legit.
This has been updated. Please buy this stuff people.
Good luck with selling man, not sure what all that confusion in this thread with that other user was about, but you seem legit.
Senpai said:
Good luck with selling man, not sure what all that confusion in this thread with that other user was about, but you seem legit.
He was claiming I scammed the Twitter off of him when I actually got it through a deal which was middleman'd by @Agony at the time he wasn't banned.
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