Sweet Instagram

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Power member.
Hello FKers, I recently bought an IG account and will no longer be in need of this one.


C/O: $
Buyout: $40
(Willing to negotiate)
RE: Neat Yahoo!

This is a total bargain. I'd recommend bringing the BIN up.
Updated the thread with a pretty sweet IG, literally.
Oh I get it. "Sweet" instagram. You're a fucking goon. Best of luck with getting this instagram sold.
I will bid $40 on this instagram sir.
This IG is still for sale, hmu guys.

Edit: @Framed , you've now been outbid by @Midnight .
Reptar said:
This IG is still for sale, hmu guys.

Lmao you didn't notify the previous bidders that they were outbid..
Had a potential buyer, but he just stopped replying. HMU if you're interested in this sweet Instagram.
After today, I will be away for the next three days. Get this before I'm gone breh.
huge vouch for repteezy, glws mate
Raid said:
put me down for $42 !!!!! i want this

The BIN is 40$ Why would you offer 42?
Vouch for my nigga reptangle

best of luck with selling this cute ig
Reptar said:
Hello FKers, I recently bought an IG account and will no longer be in need of this one.


C/O: $
Buyout: $40
(Willing to negotiate)

can you go $30 pp @melephunk check this out man
iamtrustworthy said:
can you go $30 pp @melephunk check this out man

Sorry, lowest I'll do is $35 for this neat Instagram. 
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