@Sythe fags.

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Well-Known Member
Enough is enough, necessary action will be taken if you keep harassing a Staff member. You think because the rules say don't take anything serious in this section that you can hide behind it? Well, you can't.

keep it up and you may cop a ban, who knows?

It's fucking annoying and it's about time you shut up.
Is that a fokin threat m8-_-

Ill wrek u 1v1 in anything kid.

The amount of cock you just sucked in OP is too much to count.

@"C" idk what you're talking about. Seems like the all rumors are true about you just being a try hard mod xD With that being said, I'm sure you would be a better mod than Mclovin. While another Sythe member's thread was disrespectful and unnecessary, go read mine. My thread is serious and shows more power abuse by Mclovin.
Lame123 said:
Is that a fokin threat m8-_-

Ill wrek u 1v1 in anything kid.

Listen to yourself, you're like how old? You sound 12, get a grip. You can't go all your life acting like a pre schooler. Grow up and have a decent conversation, I bet you can't.
Wouldn't mind a few bans being tossed out tbh

I'm not a try-hard, my time has been and gone mate. Left on my terms and not allowed back for no reason.
Right first ring out your panties, then climb down from that moral highground, okay now we can talk.

Shut the fuck up, it's the same staff member who has fucked up 3 times in things relating to me. No other staff member have I seen make any mistakes, and I only spend a little time on here.

Also this isn't a Nazi dictatorship you moron, if I have a problem with someone, I'll tell them straight, doesn't matter how much power they have. And you're right, might cop a ban, he seems to enjoy using his powers.

Stop sucking staff dick, won't help you get it.
C‏‏ said:
Listen to yourself, you're like how old? You sound 12, get a grip. You can't go all your life acting like a pre schooler. Grow up and have a decent conversation, I bet you can't.

U fokin sed wot m8 nf i just trned 9 k like srs im a hindu n on leik my 8 life u prob atheist prick. Enj hell.
C‏‏ said:
Listen to yourself, you're like how old? You sound 12, get a grip. You can't go all your life acting like a pre schooler. Grow up and have a decent conversation, I bet you can't.

Haha don't mind me sir. This is the spamming and trolling section. This is the section where he is allowed to troll and act like an idiot. You trying to make yourself seem more intelligent than him or put him down really just makes you look like a fool. If you want to go have an educated conversation with him, take it to another section.

Bumping this for exposure, to all the uptight idiots who don't understand this.

Listen you little fuck, I don't want Staff nor do I give a fuck about it. Just shut the fuck up and leave the Staff alone and stop creating chaos for yourself. If you enjoy it here don't be a stupid fuck to Staff and you can stay, simple. Only helping you out, if not. Fuck off back to the shit forum you came from.
Fun fact: All these "Sythe fags" are all bright students in university. Most people I have met on FK are like 13-16. All these "idiots" are smarter than they appear. They enjoy trolling and rustling jimmies. Let them do it and stop caring so much.

Awaiting an intelligent response to my posts. Don't try and call us out m8, it's not going to end well for you.

JohnnyG said:
Fun fact: All these "Sythe fags" are all bright students in university. Most people I have met on FK are like 13-16. All these "idiots" are smarter than they appear. They enjoy trolling and rustling jimmies. Let them do it and stop caring so much.

Astro said:
Wouldn't mind a few bans being tossed out tbh

Would you like to explain why you feel this way? I am capable of giving serious responses unlike some other Sythe members ( =S ) and would be very interested to hear why you believe they deserve a ban.


Lame123 said:


+1. I do enjoy it here. A lots of the members are actually quite nice, and can take a joke. Then you come across people like you who are like "Fuck fun. Go to Auschwitz."

If someone is doing something wrong, I will tell them so. If someone is doing something wrong, multiple times over, I think everyone deserves to see it.

In your case, I would call you a mod wannabe again, but don't want you to break your laptop/computer because of the realization.

Oh yea you sound mad, take one of these:


Please quote where I said they deserve a ban?

I said they may cop a ban if they keep harassing a Staff member, wouldn't be the first time that has happened, just helping out if they wanna keep being faggots. As simple as it gets, if you'd like to converse further please use the PM function.
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