Ok well im going to be giving this tags out later tonight i was gonna do it last night but the sight wasnt working 1 pr person and first come first serve
+C4 skiin
+Wifi on(sold2 GFX)
+Wifi off(sold2 bulbsir)
+Estimators(sold2 kasteen)
+yellow iphone
i have Electric Device, Xysters, Wilbert(sold2 druntula), and Ruhvault but i have to remeber the past words so if i get those ill give them away too if i dont give them away i dont remeber the passwords sorry if i get more ill add to the thead and update when there taken, no body complain cause they are all FREE! thanks [/font]
+C4 skiin
+Wifi on(sold2 GFX)
+Wifi off(sold2 bulbsir)
+Estimators(sold2 kasteen)
+yellow iphone
i have Electric Device, Xysters, Wilbert(sold2 druntula), and Ruhvault but i have to remeber the past words so if i get those ill give them away too if i dont give them away i dont remeber the passwords sorry if i get more ill add to the thead and update when there taken, no body complain cause they are all FREE! thanks [/font]
I'm at work now to be clear the tags wont be givin out till about 5 easten time