tag give away!


Active Member
Ok well im going to be giving this tags out later tonight i was gonna do it last night but the sight wasnt working 1 pr person and first come first serve
+C4 skiin
+Wifi on(sold2 GFX)
+Wifi off(sold2 bulbsir)
+Estimators(sold2 kasteen)
+yellow iphone
i have Electric Device, Xysters, Wilbert(sold2 druntula), and Ruhvault but i have to remeber the past words so if i get those ill give them away too if i dont give them away i dont remeber the passwords sorry if i get more ill add to the thead and update when there taken, no body complain cause they are all FREE! thanks

I'm at work now to be clear the tags wont be givin out till about 5 easten time
Moved to Public as per the OP's Request.

Just a tip, make the first post more informative.
Can i have Estimators?
looks pretty cool thanks for the giveaway
Can I have xysters if u remember the info? And if possible can I trade it back if you put up a tag I like more? Thx man
Violence said:
Can I have xysters if u remember the info? And if possible can I trade it back if you put up a tag I like more? Thx man

yea but the other ones arn't as good or i would have remebered them lol but u can have xysters if i remeber the shit
I didn't fully understand this, but can I get Wifi off?
Vodka said:
i got wifi on too if you would rather that

Nah I'd rather have Wifi off
Vodka said:
yea but the other ones arn't as good or i would have remebered them lol but u can have xysters if i remeber the shit

ight ight dslkjflasdnlfnsl;ad
I got Wifi Off, thanks!
Can I have Wifi On please, thanks man
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