Tag I g n i t e for MS points

RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others Updated Screechs DLC

I'll place a bid for 25$ MP for Screech
RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others Updated Screechs DLC

I offer 40 MP on Breath Hmu in aim to talk
RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others Updated Screechs DLC

I bid $20 on screech
Hit me up
RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others

Kev said:
I'll buy Screech right now for $80 PP. Hmu on AIM.

I dont think hes taking paypal, only Moneypack or Liberty Reserve.
RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others

Phenom said:
I dont think hes taking paypal, only Moneypack or Liberty Reserve.

Yeah my bid is at 25$ MoneyPack for Screech I asked for a buy out no response.
RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others

Phenom said:
I dont think hes taking paypal, only Moneypack or Liberty Reserve.

Why no Paypal? It's not like I'd charge back...

Also, he's not getting any high offers for MP or LR...
RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others Updated Screechs DLC

I found more spaced tags of mine will be adding them here,soon.
RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others Updated Screechs DLC

didnt respond becuz i went to sleep lol ill be updating the thread i just woke up
RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others Updated info on PAYPAL

So I'm guessing you are taking PP now because Kev offer is for Paypal and thats in the OP. EDIT: just saw you updated it cool
RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others Updated info on PAYPAL


TsGh FeaR said:
So I'm guessing you are taking PP now because Kev offer is for Paypal and thats in the OP.
No thats not the reason because I got $200 paypal from him and others before. Accepting paypal becuz people cant do LR or MP that much, his $80 offer is MP as far as I know. I am acepting PAYPAL but there will be a 48hour HOLD till you get the account.
RE: AMAZING Tags- Buyout prices

Well, Quad been saying "Show proof of all accounts or thread will be LOCKED" so yeah
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