Tag that was deleted

The Host said:
@junior he was asking for your Skype all day and kept asking me to tell you to come on

I know, apparently he kept trying to reach only me when there was 200+ people trying to contact him, we're doing some business together within the next little while though.
@junior he randomly popped up and showed me him resetting few tags. He then added me on Xbox. I told him to delete it before @story and his crew turbo again lol.

He told me make a Skype chat with @junior but couldn't find your Skype in my PM. So told him his probably sleeping.

I went out half the day. Came home to 60 Kik. Chats and 30 HF PM.
Yea he made 40+ tags already which are all pretty sick, I'm going to talk to him later when he's on again, he went to bed.

Also those kids turboing are fucking retarded lmfao
Omg I'm getting so antsy and excited about this like holy shit
If this is fr i need his skype this is mad crazy if this is true.
Time to go into debt for this shit lmao
I just snagged a really sexy tag. GG
Slicktrick said:
Dude i want his T tag i have cash ready and everything.
How much are you willing to spend on it sir.
Slicktrick said:
The amount he asked for it not gonna overpay.
It's his final so your not getting it m9
Harmony said:
Unfortunately I think the guy is still charging A LOT for the tags he obtains.
Yeah but not the prices that they normally are, not that broke :^P
Well he gave me a tag worth like 1k. So not complaining.(for free)
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