


Hint; U

2 consoles, myself and one of my niggas he dont know shit so no concern for a pull back anyways.

Don't play games anymore nor even own an console now. Best offer I like gets this shit.

Edit - If you're Australian and wanna buy this hmu to do a bank transfer as I need money for drugs and alcohol.
Nice tag but better ones out there so don't expect a lot.
If you're Australian and wanna buy this hmu to do a bank transfer as I need money for drugs and alcohol.
Ambien said:
I played with you on the my tag Mia Khalifa tb

that was the old owner, pretty sure this has been sold a few times since then
Sad that this is the market now rip good tags :( no offense op
devil said:
that was the old owner, pretty sure this has been sold a few times since then

I remember the old owner being Australian unless he sold it to another Australian.