So im starting a "hacking" group ( Even though im not the best at this. And other members will probably not more then me LOL ). You dont have to know much to get in. Its just going to be a little group from noobs to pros. Whoever wants to join can submit.
Heres the Application.
Remember. This group is for ALL members that know how to hack etc. or what to learn how to. If you dont know ANYTHING about any of this what so ever. You will not be accepted.
Heres the Application.
Name ( Alias ):
Experience ( What have you done? ):
Hacking/Jacking Knowledge:
Do you have a booter? If so, what is the name of it?:
Do you know how to code? If so, What can you code? ( Java, HTML, Etc.):
Can you Dox:
Level ( Noob, Beginner, Novice, Amateur, Expert ):
Remember. This group is for ALL members that know how to hack etc. or what to learn how to. If you dont know ANYTHING about any of this what so ever. You will not be accepted.