Since Philly has announced upgrade page revamp i'm in the middle of gathering data for the mentioned page. I'll need users with following groups
- Onyx
- Power
- Power+
to test following areas:
Change name -
Change user title (just at top - User title settings field) -
Rate threads (visit any thread and try to rate it)
Edit own posts (if you see a button "edit" in your post that means that you can edit it)
Open / Close threads (a button called Open or Close thread if you are a thread starter will be visible near new reply button)
Undo Votes in polls (a button "undo" should be visible if you have voted in a poll)
Attachment system - (check if you can access to this page)
Reputation system - how many rep (positive and negative) you can give to a user
If you get a page with "no permission" error that means that your usergroup can't access that page. Also keep in mind that users who have multiple upgrades (Like onyx & supporter) can access all mentioned pages. I'm looking for users who have only one upgrade (Onyx and power [Power+ users can also pass reports under the condition that they don't have Supporter or investor upgrade [due the fact that they can access everything]).
For the second part (hint: radio buttons on upgrade page) i'll need users with multiple upgrades (any combo of Onyx, Power, Power+, investor and or supporter) to test it.