Thank you all who actually have a sense of humour


This rep system is awesome. Some of the messages are killing me.

To those of you who actually do have a sense of humour, +1 to you, I'll get power soon to appreciate the fact that some of you can keep your panties dry.

Dude. It's the spamming and trolling section. Chill. Lol nobody is mad. You just make too many threads
BasedGod said:
Dude. It's the spamming and trolling section. Chill. Lol nobody is mad. You just make too many threads

People seem to have rustled jimmies judging by some of the messages I get in rep.

Plus make more threads other people then. Shit threads > Empty forum.
Yeah I get a lot of good messages on there, used to get bad ones yesterday. I guess people are starting to accept us.
#freerswhat said:
Yeah I get a lot of good messages on there, used to get bad ones yesterday. I guess people are starting to accept us.

I can die a happy man once I've been accepted. My father rejected me as a gay choir boy so I've been searching my entire life for others as well as god to accept me ;/