the alcohol


It is necessary to have a good time? to my mind not because conosco people who consume alcoholic beverages term for throw away all their projects because of the alcohol.For this reason on my part advise them that they dominate the alcohol and the alcohol not dominate them.Best regards
i think everybody deserves to just have a good time. if they want to drink alcohol, then let them be. i really love to drink alcohol when i'm with my friends and we just want to relax and have fun. what i really don't like about it is when you get wasted because you just lost control. i agree with the commercials in the television that you should only drink what you can. drink moderately, as they say. it's not bad to drink at all, you'll just have to drink in small amounts. that's it. we have the reason to enjoy and it's nice to be happy evil::Blush:
im agree to you anonymousheat. drinking alcohol with friends is fun and relaxing. but some drinkers just lost there control if they got wasted they put there drinks to there head not in there stomach.
hi there, according to the expert alcohol is bad to our health. but little amount of wine in a day is good to the person with heart problems.
well for me drinking alcohol is not bad in moderate amount, specially when you have problems that you need to unwind and to think much better in other way around.
it is also enjoy to drink alcohol with your friends when you guys in hung outs. but be sure all of you can control your behaviors.

good day, for me its not bad to drink alcohol but drink moderately because drinking alcohol dont brought good in our health.and if you drink put it on the stomach not on the head because you can get trouble if you put it on your head. have a nice day.
drinking alcohol is a good to your health,but too much or drinking everyday is bad.i hate people who's drinking and then they are fighting to other's.they are become crazy. especially the people who always at the street.
yes, i agree with you. alcohol is good for our body if we consume it just little and not much.

i just read new about the misused of alcohol drink. a girl (17yr) being rape in karaoke room in jakarta by boy (15yr), seem like the girl was make drunk first. not only being rape but the rapist take the picture and send it thru BBM.
Alcoholism can kill in many different ways, and in general, people who drink regularly have a higher rate of deaths from injury, violence, and some cancers. The earlier a person begins drinking heavily, the greater their chance of developing serious illnesses later on. Any protection that occurs with moderate alcohol intake appears to be confined to adults over 60 who have risks for heart disease. Adults who drink moderately (about one drink a day) have a lower mortality rate than their non-drinking peers, their risk for untimely death increases with heavier drinking.
I don't drink alcohol but I think it is okay to have a taste of it occasionally. If you're just a social drinker, it is not really bad. But alcohol if taken uncontrollably affects reasoning and lifestyle and also relationship with the loved ones.
I am not an alcohol drinker even socially. But recently, an old friend invited me and our other highschool batchmates to hangout. We had a few drinks. I guess it is okay to drink once in a while. There is a saying that a little bit of everything is too much like drinking alcohol. too much of it is not good and can do us harm mentally and physically too. We might encounter danger on our way home while driving our have a heated argument/fight to others.

Anything taken not in moderation is bad for our health. Having a good is just fine as well as drinking alcoholic beverages as long as in moderation and you have self-discipline or self-control. Do not let alcohol take control of yourself/personality. :Wink:
drinking alcohol beverages is okey as long as the person who is under alcohol can manage and know how to handle themselves. you can drink occasionally but how often is occasionally? alcoholics used this term to defend themselves..
It's ok if you drink socially, but if you abuse the alcohol (like everything else), it's bad for your body and it becomes a vice. The wine is good for the health (the Bible mention the wine as a medicine) but again, like everything, if you abuse it, you will become sick and damage your health.
Its always practical to keep in mind that too much of anything isn't good. And its better that we take care of our bodies so that we won't have problems in the future:Happy:
i don't think we need alcohol to have good time,there is other things also to have the good time in the world,for me i don't like alcohol.
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