The "Fighter Jet" Award


Active Member
Fighter Jet [attachment=624]​

How to obtain: ​

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]• Preferred -> Where were you on 9/11/01? I wanna hear your stories, how you were feeling, etc  (A lot of you are way to young to even remember but a lot do remember, also please don't make up stories, I really want to hear what really happened personally for you on that day if you clearly remember)[/font]​
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]• Impress me in any way possible[/font]​
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]• Pic of you at the memorial site  [/font]​
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]• Be in any branch of the military [/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]• Award 4 Award[/font]​
• $5 Paypal​
• $5 BTC ​
• 5 koins​

Challenges: ​[/CENTER]


If we're in a group together, please check my post in the discussion thread​

I will never sell this award unless I lose my job  


  • 3CGqVCN - Imgur.gif
    4.5 KB · Views: 230
wow man excellent new idea for an award never seen requirements like this!
hey im not a dick can i have it free thanks!

(also if you join fsm, you get beer volcano, just sayin, ey?)

I was 2 months and 1/2 old and I was chilling sucking on my moms tit.
I was in Lisbon, ME in my 4th grade English class & the teacher got a phone call saying that school was going to be out after they got off the phone due to 2 "commercial" (insert conspiracies) airlines flew directly into the Twin Towers. I didn't even know what the World Trade Center was back then so I was extremely confused. But I wasn't a child, so I had empathy for all the families of lost one's. It was a weird day. Not even a sad day. I didn't fully understand everything until the news and my mother explained it to me 12 times. Luckily didn't have any family or friends of family that worked there or lived near the danger zone.

Nice award. Wish I had enough koins. I'll buy-in when I do.
i was probably chilling out in a bed because i'm from the UK

rip those from 911

I'll probs buy-in with koins mate
I honestly don't remember, at all. I do remember learning about it when I was a little older, probably 6th grade. I remember this one kid's mom took him out of school because they were showing us videos of the towers being hit. Probably my only memory besides watching all of the documentaries that come on every year, as well as the 10 year anniversary which was 4 years ago.
You're really becoming a loser and selling an award like every other money hungry kid here, get real. Stick to the original conditions.
Trap said:
Don't listen to him. That dude has serious fucking anger issues. Horrific case of Down syndrome.

You obviously don't know what down syndrome is, educate yourself. Hopefully your kid doesn't view you as a role model. No decent "father" would degrade such a horrible disorder simply to offend another human, get real. 
So can we make this up or do we tell the truth
I didn't do much in 9/11 that I can remember.
9/11/01 Was running away from my sister! When she accidentally put down a hot iron on the bed an clumsy ole me did not see it, an my back! Touched the hot iron an gave me a 2nd degree burn, an was rushed to the ER. @hassam
@hassam award 4 award?

If not I can always mention that on 9/11 I was actually boarding a plane myself to visit my family in Boston Massachusetts and I honestly had no clue what was going on, was a little kid thinking to myself hey I get to finally play the Jurassic park board game with an uncle who hates me.
What is the point of having an award you earn, then say you can buy in or do award for award? Completely defeats the purpose lol.
@Hassam thanks for the award brah hope you like yours
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