The item to your left is now your weapon of choice...

Rock. Paper. Shotgun.

User is banned.
A wall will come in handy.
An Electricity bill. Gonna give some zombies papercuts! Fuck yah.
The Holy Bible..... yessir, time to unleash the holy spirit on these demon mofos!
Scene said:
Cop: During the brief, two day long zombie apocalypse, your son died giving zombies paper cuts. May he rest in peace.

Guardian: Could I see the Bill? My electricity is off.
Scene said:
So you plan on boning zombies to death? Good to know.

Well I hear if you fuck then hard enough, it kills them....
Scene said:
So you plan on boning zombies to death? Good to know.

If anything the zombies will fake an orgasm and tell you its the best they ever had!
my iPhone . I'll get the tazer case and slap them

nigga's gon be done.
