The owner of the solar system (Literally)


Brazilians, Chileans and Argentines on the list of unlikely buyers of land in the terrestrial satellite. Some of them are also encouraged a lot on Mars

If you want to diversify the placement of your money and use a small fee to long-term investments crazy, or make an original gift to his grandson, nothing better than to buy a plot of 4,000 square meters on the moon.

One parcel is on sale for $ 19.99 plus $ 1.51 tax, $ 2.50 for your name is printed on the satellite photo that you send your ground and $ 12.50 shipping to any in the world. This makes a total of $ 36 and a half for the title, which comes with a personalized certificate of the deed of purchase, a satellite photo of the property and geographic information to help locate it.

The biggest investors to date have been Brazilian citizens, who already held an estate of 4,000 acres on the moon.

While behind them are nearly 2,000 Argentines who took possession of another 2,000 acres, or even 252 of those people also bought a lot on Mars. It was for the same price, but with the advantage that it had to pay shipping twice, so they saved $ 12.50. In turn, a group of 1,000 Chileans took a section of the lunar surface.

For its part, the Lunar Embassy sells passports of the Moon, Mars or Venus for $ 15, plus four dollars postage. Of course to access this document, you must first be in possession of land in one of these planets. The passport takes two pictures to be sent: one from the buyer and the other may be a relative, friend, dog, cat or alien, always to suit the consumer.

It also sold $ 40 lunar watches, T-shirts to $ 19, 8 cups, pens to 7, caps to 19 divers to 30 and even leather jackets to $ 400. And those products are, of course, the insignia of the Lunar Embassy.

Who owns the moon?

U.S. entrepreneur Dennis Hope (pictured) recorded his name to the Earth's only moon and all planets in the solar system in 1980. Today sold 1,500 parcels per day and earn $ 120 million

The Outer Space Treaty, which established the Organization of the United Nations in 1967 states that no country could take over a planet or star. But as it refers to people, Hope took advantage of that loophole and called in a U.S. court being awarded the Moon as property.

Approved the unusual request in 1980, the businessman filed a possession of the planets with their moons before the General Assembly of the United Nations and the United States government.

That same year, Hope split the moon and started selling through Lunar Embassy. At present, markets daily 1500 acre land in the terrestrial satellite, Mercury, Mars and Venus.

Also, the American businessman for $ 75,000 sells the rights to establish branches of the Lunar Embassy in over 12 nations. The most popular are Crazy Moon Shop in Israel and Estates in England. Although there are fake companies like Lunar Registry and Buy Uranus, which offer lots without the rights of the Lunar Embassy ...

So far, the company sold land lunar Hope to six million people in 80 countries and more than 1,300 corporations. Taking an average value of U.S. $ 20 per parcel, the mole would have accumulated entrepreneurial profit of 120 million.

Among its investors are Hollywood stars, a former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, and hotel chains like Hilton and Marriott.

Meanwhile, a situation similar to the late Hope is the Chilean Jenaro Gajardo Vera, who in 1954 entered the natural satellite as part of their property.

When he died in 1988 left him the title of the Chilean people, through a will with the following text: "I leave my people the moon, full of love for their woes." Though given that Chile is a signatory nations of the Moon Treaty, by which prohibits the possession of the Moon (or any part thereof) by individuals, this document has no official validity.