Do jackshit but abuse the fact that they don't have to type out 25 characters and ban people.
Leader said:It's not like a deal with 50 reported posts everytime I login, ban multi-accounters, handle scam reports, or anything like that. All I do is character evade.
New Zealand said:All that comes under banning people which was mentioned above lel,
95% character evading
4% wear the staff userbar
1% ban people
10% extra for when playing sports and someone says "Put in your 110%"
Leader said:I didn't know that you could make up numbers about how I spend my time on the site. That's awesome!
New Zealand said:I think you are forgetting the 1 rule of this section really...
Beats said:This is not entirely true. They have done a lot more for the site than the previous wave of Staff members.