[This is now a nostalgia thread] In-Game RuneScape names.

RE: In-Game RuneScape names.

My brothers is Mattt Stinks. I used to play, but I quit.

I still know everything though :D

EDIT: Name was changed to like K0ed by Matt or something. I will ask him.
RE: In-Game RuneScape names.

I wouldn't recommend flashing your name around. You might get into some stuffs.
RE: In-Game RuneScape names.

IAreFailNoob <--Yes i got owned by a friend, changed it while i wasn't looking
RE: In-Game RuneScape names.

ok just rememberd a account i used to bot

username: audition wc

pretty good got like a 88 in WC

just logged and got bored in like 5 min, this game for me is only fun if im botting
RE: In-Game RuneScape names.

Main (lvl 125 legit): Kronos Old 1
2nd main: V 2 Silence
Cheapo botted skiller: Ragesk1ller
Cheapo Str pure: Gravenweed
RE: In-Game RuneScape names.

Mine is D4U

3 letters :D
RE: In-Game RuneScape names.

Pm me if you want mine, i'd rather not post it where EVERYONE can see it.
RE: In-Game RuneScape names.

Who's that Pure guy, he's pretty sexy.

also inb4gravediggingreport
oh, and inb4threadtagreport

Good times... Good times.
RE: In-Game RuneScape names.

My mains name is... never mind, I'd rather not release it, JaGex probably reads these forums and we do bad things :'(

BUT, I saw this guy the other day and his name was Dickbutt9001.