**This needs to stop** [Everyone Look]


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Watch that video. Its honestly disgusting. Those people should be killed who are doing that. Personally I have nothing wrong with the killing of animals or anything like that for food but that is just disgusting and wrong. I can't believe people would actually do that. How can someone do that to something who can't fight back? Its just disgusting. I hope these people are prosecuted to the fullest extent, they are a waste of life. These animals are no better then us, we just evolved more than them.

4 Minutes that will change your LIFE!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDD7wfNn0xs

Makes you appreciate everything and shows how priceless life truly is.^
I have seen videos like this before except with chickens. This video was fucked up though. Those workers deserve to get fucked up, I do not know how someone can be so mean to something that did nothing to them.
I stopped watching when I saw the guy slamming the pig. That was enough for me. Who does that? I'll try to watch the rest...
Domestic animals are much worse. I hate when I see dogs or cats undergo any kind of pain.
Ew man ribs is actually so fucked up. Poor piggies
Needs to stop but it probably won't though. -.-
If I knew someone doing this they would be beaten to death by me PERSONNALY.I dont take shit like this, poor pigs did nothing :'(
The is absolutely disgusting, that a human being would do this.
I agree, if I saw someone doing this I'd do the same thing to them! Chop of their testicles. Throw them against the ground, punch them in the head, etc,. It is in-human to do this!
Haha... Sad video but admit it there'll still be bacon next to your eggs tomorrow...
This is horrible... who in the right mind grabs a pig and just slams it?!? It is sickening. At least Tyson dropped that pig farm and hopefully the people were fired
I have really decided not to eat pork anymore. I am sickened. Disgusted. Astonished. I know we eat these animals but they shouldn't be treated like this. I am fine with normal slaughter but not tourture.

I am forever changed.
Beats said:
I have really decided not to eat pork anymore. I am sickened. Disgusted. Astonished. I know we eat these animals but they shouldn't be treated like this. I am fine with normal slaughter but not tourture.

I am forever changed.

From these videos I have honestly considered not eating meat anymore. Its just disgusting. Animals should not be treated this way.
We need a more sympathetic and humane way of treating our livestock. These processors are malevolent torturers. We must implement the ideology that all animals can feel and have emotions too into the process heretofore of utilizing our livestock.

By the way, your statement that we evolved more than them is false. They have evolved the same amount as we have, they just simply didn't evolve to be capable of the acts humans can do for the traits we don't share weren't favorable in their evolutionary process of natural and artificial selection.
xSlatzy said:
From these videos I have honestly considered not eating meat anymore. Its just disgusting. Animals should not be treated this way.

Well, I am a meat eater so there is no way I will stop eating beef. Though, I will not eat Pork anymore. Just by watching that, I can't believe it. For all we know, we have been eating abused animals.
How could you do that? Like how? They're little babies. I saw a video of a little kitten get burned for no fucking reason what so ever by a couple illiterate little kids.