Those were the days

So i thought id start a new frorum game called those were the days.

It can be irl or ingame

Ill start it off

Those were the days when you could buy rune axes for 20k at draynor village and you had to chop all your willow logs.
When you could go to world 1 west varrock bank and find many many people selling full rune sets for 200k.


When you could go to east varrock bank in f2p worlds and pk in varrock wild location... :/ I miss the old days where you would pk there.
Now its all just "edge pvp!"
when the graphics where old
when my whole grade played rs
when rs was in 2007
the first time i got killed by a pure and lost my 200k bank
when 1m in rs was 6 dollars
when rs was fun
I remember the days when there was 100x more activity on this forum.
When I could go to the Black Knights Fortress in the wildy and find dozens of pkers my level. Now its deserted 99% of the time.
Those were the days when you could effectively mage pk in full rune. *sigh*
Those where the days when i picked flax's for money 1000 was 100k :) yet I spend days getting that 100k
The days when Monkey Madness was the hardest quest alongside with Desert Treasure.
When having any dragon weapon meant your were top notch.
when you could train with people actually responding and chatting with you
I remember when you pking was fun with out overpowered weapons.
when you would cry over losing a glory because you were lvl 63 with 26 prayer and got smited.
I remember selling mils for $10 each.. damn I ripped some bitches off :\
Those were the days when it was an Earth shattering event to lose your blanket.
Zex said:
Ikr. I still have my baby blanket. Ftw.

I still have my stuffed Dalmatian from 101 Dalmatians. Pongo FTW!