Ticket Sellers say the UP recharge cause "stress"


Posters plastered on line A by sector unions complain that the recharge cards and UP Wallet causes "stress" additional box office employees. Request increase the amount of staff.

While e-cards as it rises or purse can greatly facilitate the payment of public transport to avoid the use of cash, especially coins, not true for those who must reload these instruments. The Ticket Sellers line A stuck posters in stations and cars, recognized equity to complain that the recharge them produces a "stress" extra.

This medium contacted the Association of Workers Subway and Premetro for further details. According to a spokesman unions, the mass distribution of purse and rises caused an increase in the number of people who come to the box office to make the charge, which they estimate at more than double than usual. To AGTSyP, many users of electronic tickets down to the subway stations-even when not using the service, to recharge because there are not charged any fees for it. On the surface, it was found that some shops charge about a weight recharge cards.

"This is causing illnesses among peers rather pronounced at Ticket Sellers and raise your hand to recharge, are forced to make an unusual effort and thought that one way to avoid a process more comfortable," he said from the union. The purse has a version for automatic debit charge of a savings or credit card system, which avoids having to go through ticket, but now it goes up only charging system by manual sorting. At the same time, the ticket vending machines in many stations are out of service, at the time were highly resisted by-and Ticket Sellers are not prepared to recharge cards.

From Metrovías indicated that so far there have a solution to this problem. "It's a raise of the Association", said since the dealership without giving further details.