To all people requesting bots


Onyx user!
Okay after me requesting bots for quite a while i've decided why people should just use rsbuddy, rsbuddy is a amazing free bot and well think about it, if people gave this program from trust they would like it just like I did and its very professional. yeah maybe it isn't as perfect as nexus but it'll do small jobs

Also Its really fast, its doing dung on one account whilst runecrafting on another.
RSBuddy is great, I don't see why people don't use it more.
Yeah i've gotta admit alot of people do prefer nexus, but c'mon people give it a chance, Its very high quality
I would use it in a heartbeat... IF it fucking would connect.

Mine STILL doesnt work.

Edit: Derpderpderp. I was using the wrong pass.

ProFisher ftw.
The thing is, RSBuddy is unreliable. You never know when it is going to work or not, which takes away from it's overall quality. Not to mention you have to pay in GBP, and you have to checkout with Google Checkout if you want to purchase scripts.
nexus is safe like you won't get your account hacked really?
No matter what any of you say, I'll continue to stay with NeXuS.
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