Top 3 posters contest!

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RE: Top 5 posters contest!

Voices said:
Sweet i live in Minnesota so come on over

Interesting I actually have a cousin from Minnesota.
My brother recently visited US for the first time, he went to Philadelphia
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

Call his ass up and ask where he was lol @Joker
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

Voices said:
Call his ass up and ask where he was lol @Joker

I would if it wasn't hectically expensive. Then again I could just use Skype or FB to contact lol
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

@Joker u really should senyor i wanna meet him
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

Joker said:
I've never heard of Pumpkin Pie or Pumpkin Ice Cream lol
This is by far the saddest thing I've read in the last week. I'm so sorry to hear that, Joker. -pats-
You're missing out on LIFE.
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

@Glitter Milk  
right, oh my boy ur missing out
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

I love Icecream! My favourite is bubblegum and Fudge! I know its a strange combination xxx

@plague are any of my posts spam? Did you get rid of any of mine??
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

Glitter Milk said:
This is by far the saddest thing I've read in the last week. I'm so sorry to hear that, Joker. -pats-
You're missing out on LIFE.
I've never heard of it here in UK, I only ever see Pumpkin related items being sold on halloween lol
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

@Joker pumpkin pie is always around thanksgiving but yeah u need to try it
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

@Joker do it this year even if u are from uk, just satmy mom i wanna try something new then make a 25 pound turkey potatoes and gravy stuffing and pumpkin pie
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

Voices said:
@Joker do it this year even if u are from uk, just satmy mom i wanna try something new then make a 25 pound turkey potatoes and gravy stuffing and pumpkin pie

What is thanksgiving about? It's not religious is it? 

I'll make a vegetarian based thanksgiving not-turkey.
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

@Joker it celebrates when the indians lost there homeland
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

Joker said:
What is thanksgiving about? It's not religious is it? 

I'll make a vegetarian based thanksgiving not-turkey.
It's supposed to remember the thanks we gave the native Americans when Christopher Columbus came to North America. They helped us adapt to the land and taught us how to grow crops and whatnot. It's basically the one day of the year where Americans stop being selfish and thank others for once.
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

This is one of the reasons why I don't come on here anymore.
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

Shift said:
This is one of the reasons why I don't come on here anymore.
He's right, that isn't the story behind thanksgiving. They celebrated after massacring all of the native americans. It was super shitty and they liked to behead the chief and impale his head on a stick while they ate their food.

Sorry I gave you the elementary school explanation.

Is this better for you @Shift ??
RE: Top 5 posters contest!

The hormone melatonin causes drowsiness
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