Trade/Selling GT: Vacuation

Left Brain

Onyx user!
Might want to star it out. Also, how much are you looming for? I might be interested
This is a sick gamertag star it out for sure.
Hey vacuation. You should make a bin and a bid.

Bin= buy it now (this is how mich you want for it)
Bid=self explanitory.

I can also vouch for this guy. I have him on my friends list and he was looking to sell/trade for about a week now.

Make the title V*c*ation then put a hint.

See im new to this so i dont know what to put and stuff.
SoLic said:
If only there was an E in front of that V.... Well, good luck with selling this.

Vacuation is a real word. Look it up, and its a game to.
Wait how do people not know of the word vacuation? Or is everyone assuming evacuation?
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