Trading 3 char for a good social medium!

fuck i want a 3 letter but i just got a main gt to trade stat account 15th mw3 9th mw2
What's the 3 character you got?
I might offer you an AIM or pack of MINUS accounts...
If im not mistaken the tag is 'M1U'..
It would be nice to know what the three character is.
Probally M1U
Ehh i have some minuses and and some aims idk .
Il hit you up later.
I have about 40 oG minuses and a youtube with 3k legit partnered.
You probably won't get a nice twitter or AIM. Sorry to break it to you.

But good luck on finding something that you like.
Decent 3 char dude, glwt.
Nice 3 letter bro. Got one myself.
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