Trading a nice 7 letter og!

Anonymous V

User is banned.
Trading a really nice 7 letter. Dont offer me shit tags. I will only pm you the tag if I deem you trustworthy.Pm me for the tag.
Sick tag man! GLWS very known material!
PM me(Since I can't PM other people yet:/), I have some VERY nice trades. I can show proof and I am trusted on another site.
I would appreciate the response. and Doctor knows because it was around
Ye it was around. But im not the owner that was selling it on hf.
Sage said:
@Doctor never told you the tag. Idk how you know


Trust me, i know it and its sick af. Dont worry i wont tell anyone. P.s: Your hint makes it obvious af
I would also appreciate if you would pm me about this... I have trades and such
messaged you, hope to find out the tag. Thanks
Difficult said:
messaged you, hope to find out the tag. Thanks
you have to have a nice og to trade for it. It can't be worth less than 250 $
Sage said:
you have to have a nice og to trade for it. It can't be worth less than 250 $

well i was gonna add a 150$ tag + more stuff. :L
I have a couple that might interest you if this is the tag I'm thinking of.
I'm not pming you the tag first. You have to pm me first and tell me the tag you are offering. Not just gonna tell you the just because you're interested. Only trades no cash. No social mediums.
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