Trading instagram for semi gt or kik


Active Member
trading the instagram


Looking for really good kiks OR Semi og to og gt i really want a 3 cchar gamertag so lmk :0
honestly i dont think youre gonna get anything that good, because the instagram isnt that good. my advice to you is to get this appraised, and base your requests off what its worth. just a suggestion, nonetheless Good luck with sales.
Vinyl said:
Were do i get my stuff apraised

Get it appraised in the appraisal section, at the very top of the market!
Nissan said:
I have a 3char hmu on kik

This user is fucking scammer, screwed me over for the instagram @Garter. Not even worth making a scma report oer because the ig is so shit. Have a great life Nissan you'll go far scamming 2$ kiks!
I would offer the Kik "Excrete" but that's the best I would give. Insta really isn't very good.