trading/selling tags

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hit me up with what you have.

AIM: Saber

if you don't get a response from me, pm me.
RE: Buying/trading for a tag, lookin for pokemon, anime, cartoon, + more

How much are you looking to get on Un*ver**ty?
RE: Selling tags I need paypal HMU

Was scammed from me bro, selling these!
RE: Selling tags I need paypal HMU

yeah dude your pokemon tag is pretty fuckin dope. I have found a tag I really like though.
bump still selling/trading the last few I've got
Dafuq man how are u letting all these tags get scammed from you? No MM you go first or something? smfh
the E tag got scammed too?
StoNeЯ said:
Dafuq man how are u letting all these tags get scammed from you? No MM you go first or something? smfh

Fear, who I thought was legit, scammed me $325 total. I sold exterminator in the past and bought it back from him for $200. he took it back.

Gwk.Gwk who I knew I shouldnt have gone first to scammed me University. But he seemed like he wouldn't scam me. Obviously not.

Some random dude on aim messaged me, named a.a.r.r.o.n or something and wanted to sell me the tag Clannad, I haven't seen any good anime tags and decided to take the risk for it. Scammed $60
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